Research Interests.

My research interest is mathematical modeling and simulation of cardiac arrhythmias. My current research, has two main objectives. The development of numerical algorithms based on spectral methods, to simulate the propagation of action potentials in heart tissue. The solutions of the equations governing such phenomena have multiple time and spatial scales, leading to a very expensive computational problem. The second objective is to apply the solution of the mathematical equations, to give new insights to the understanding of cardiac arrhythmias. However, my interests include population dynamics in Epidemiology and Ecology.


Current Students


Carlos Alarcon. Belousov-Zhabotinski Reaction.

Jesus Portillo. Periodic Stimulations of  Cardiac Cells.


Humberto Ocejo. Computational Biology (MSc)

Claudia Hawks. Epidemiology (MSc Cosupervisor)

David Baca Carrasco. Epidemiology (PhD Cosupervisor).

Previous students

Jesús Manuel Chaidez Félix (BSc-2010) Formación de Patrones via Mecanismo de Turing.

Dalicia Leal (MSc-2011). Interacción de Ondas en Espiral y Obstáculos en Medios Excitables con la Ecuación de Fitzhugh-Nagumo.

Jesús Manuel Chaidez Félix (MSc-2011). Simulación numérica del modelo Fenton-Karma con diferencias finitas y campo de fase.