Curriculum Vitae.


BSc Mathematics (1995-1999), University of Sonora.

MSc Applied Mathematics (2000-2001), CIMAT.

PhD Applied Mathematics (2002-2007), UBC.


D. Olmos and B. Shizgal, A Pseudospectral Method of Solution of Fisher’s Equation, J. Comp. Applied Math., 193 (2006), 219-242.

D. Olmos, Modelación Matemática de Sistemas Excitables en Fisiología: De Neuronas a Ritmo Cardiaco. Memorias del II Congreso Internacional de Ingenieria en Electronica, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Bucaramanga, Colombia, October-November 2007.

D. Olmos and B. Shizgal, A Pseudospectral convergence analysis of the FHN Equation Mathematics and Computation in Simulation. (Accepted)

D. Olmos and B. Shizgal, Annihilation and reflection of spiral waves at a boundary for the Beeler-Reuter model, Physical Review E, 77, 031918 (2008)

D. Olmos, Reflection and Attachment of Spirals at Obstacles for the FitzHugh- Nagumo model. Physical Review E, 81,041924, (2010)

D. Olmos, Spiral waves, Obstacles and Cardiac Arrhythmias. Book Chapter INTECH (almost there)

Selected Presentations

 D. Olmos. A Numerical Study of Excitable systems. IAM Seminar retreat 2005, Minnekhada Regional park, BC, Canada. April 11, 2005.

 D. Olmos. Numerical studies in equations modeling excitable media based on pseudopspectral methods. Interdisciplinary series in Mathematical Biology. University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA. March 28,2007.

 D. Olmos. Numerical studies of reaction diffusion equations in cardiac wave propagation. Dynamics and Interfaces seminar. University of Nice, Nice France, May 20, 2007.

 D. Olmos. Pseudospectral Solutions of Reaction-Diffusion Equations that model Excitable Media: Applications to Cardiology. II Congreso Internacional de Ingenieria en Electrónica, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Bucaramanga, Colombia, November 2, 2007.

 D. Olmos. Mathematical Modelling in Cardiology. First School in Mathematical Biology, Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, Acapulco Mexico, Sept 2008.

 D. Olmos. A study of spiral waves in excitable media and its applications in cardiology, XLI National Meeting, Valle de Bravo, México, October 23, 2008.

Short Courses offered

 D. Olmos, Mathematical Modelling of excitable systems: From neurons to cardiac rhythm. II International Congress on Electronic Engineering, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Bucaramanga, Colombia, November 2007

 D. Olmos, XPPAUT and AUTO: Simulation of Dynamical Systems and bifurcaton Diagrams. University of Sonora December 2007.

 D. Olmos, XPPAUT and AUTO: Numerical Studies of bifurcation theory with applications to mathematical biology. First School in Mathematical Biology, Universidad Autonoma de Guerrero, Acapulco Mexico, Sept 2008.